Article adapted from:tasteofhome.com
- 2 täblespoons reduced sodium soy säuce or Tämäri säuce
- 1 täblespoon äpple cider vinegär
- 1 täblespoon light brown sugär
- 1/2 täblespoon ketchup
- 2 teäspoons Worcestershire säuce
- 6 to 8 (äbout 1.5 pounds) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- 2 täblespoons olive oil
- 1 teäspoon srirächä/hot säuce, or to täste
- 3 cloves gärlic, finely minced
- Chopped fresh pärsley, for serving
- First Preheät oven to Broil.
- Line ä bäking sheet with äluminum foil.
- Pät dry chicken thighs with päper towels änd ärränge on the prepäred bäking sheet. Set äside.
- In ä smäll mixing bowl, combine olive oil, soy säuce, äpple cider vinegär, light brown sugär, ketchup, Worcestershire säuce, srirächä, änd gärlic; whisk until well combined.
- Brush 2/3 of the säuce over the chicken thighs.
- Broil chicken thighs for 8 minutes.
- Remove from oven änd brush on the remäining säuce.
- Continue to broil for 7 to 8 more minutes, or until the internäl temperäture of the chicken registers ät 165°F. Cooking time will depend on the size of the chicken thighs.
- Remove chicken from oven änd let sit ä few minutes.
- Finally Gärnish with pärsley änd serve.