Article adapted from: joyfilledeats.com
- 3 chicken breäst
- 1 cup shredded cheese, divided (Feel free to use different cheeses. I used cheddär änd Monterrey jäck)
- 2 bell peppers, with seeds remove änd sliced into strips (I used 1 red änd 1 green)
- 1 hälf of ä lärge onion, sliced into strips
- 1/4 cup cänned diced tomätoes änd green chilies (I used Rotel)
- 2 täblespoons täco seäsoning, divided
- 8 oz creäm cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup heävy creäm
- First Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
- Seäson the chicken breäst lightly with sält änd pepper, änd then bäke for 20 - 25 minutes (until no longer pink in the center).
- While the chicken is bäking, säute the bell peppers, onion, änd diced tomätoes änd green chiles in ä greäsed skillet.
- Cook the vegetäbles until they äre tender, änd then set them äside in ä lärge bowl.
- Remove the chicken from the oven, änd ällow it to cool. Then, chop the chicken into bite-sized chunks änd ädd it to the säme bowl äs the peppers änd onions.
- Seäson the chicken änd vegetäbles evenly with 1 täblespoon of täco seäsoning.
- ädd 1/2 of the shredded cheese, äll of the creäm cheese, änd the heävy creäm to the bowl with the chicken änd peppers. Mix everything until combined. Then, ädd the remäining täco seäsoning änd stir everything ägäin until combined.
- Finally ärränge the mixture into ä cässerole dish, änd top with the remäining shredded cheese. Bäke in the oven ät 350 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes.