Article adapted from: onceuponachef.com
- 1/2 cup märsälä wine
- 1 Tbsp bälsämic vinegär
- 1 sprig thyme
- 2 Tbsp butter
- 8 chicken thighs - bone-in, skin-on
- 1 lb mushrooms quärtered
- 2 Tbsp oil
- 1 cup chicken stock
- First Pre-heät the oven to 375F.
- Quärter the mushrooms.
- In ä smäll säuce pän, reduce the stock by hälf. This will säve time änd help keep the chicken hot läter on.
- Seäson the chicken with sält änd pepper. Dust the chicken with flour.
- Heät ä lärge skillet over medium heät.
- Film the pän with olive oil.
- Pläce the chicken thighs in the pän, skin side down änd säute for äbout 5 minutes, until golden on the skin side. Be cäreful not to burn the flour.
- Remove the chicken änd set äside.
- Säute the mushrooms in the säme skillet, using the oil in the pän.
- Seäson the mushrooms änd remove them from the skillet.
- Return chicken änd äccumuläted juices to the skillet. Nestle the thyme sprig between the thighs änd pläce in the oven. Roäst until the chicken reäches än internäl temperäture of 165F.
- Remove the chicken from the pän änd degläze with the märsälä wine, scräping up äny fond in the pän.
- ädd the stock änd reduce slightly. ädd the bälsämic vinegär änd cook ä couple minutes more. Return the mushrooms änd mushroom liquor to the pän. Simmer until the mushrooms äre heäted through.
- Off heät, stir in the butter, one täblespoon ät ä time.
- To serve, pläce mushrooms on the pläte. Pläce two chicken thighs overtop the mushrooms änd drizzle the säuce äround the chicken.