Article adapted from: allrecipes.com
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 1 teäspoon bläck pepper
- 1 teäspoon onion powder
- 1 teäspoon päprikä
- ½ teäspoon gärlic powder
- 1 ½ cups pänko breädcrumbs
- Nonstick olive oil cooking spräy
- 1/4 teäspoon cäyenne pepper*
- 2 lärge eggs
- 2 täblespoons älmond milk (or milk of choice)
- 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breäst, cut into into 1 inch cubes
- First Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.
- ädd pänko breädcrumbs to ä lärge bäking sheet änd spreäd out in än even läyer. Spräy breädcrumbs with nonstick olive oil cooking spräy.
- Bäke for 2 minutes, then stir breädcrumbs (or just give the pän ä shäke) änd then bäke for 2-3 minutes or until breädcrumbs äre golden brown. Keep heät in the oven.
- Tränsfer breädcrumbs to ä medium bowl. Whisk in spices: sält, bläck pepper, onion powder, päprikä, gärlic powder änd cäyenne pepper. Set äside.
- In ä sepäräte medium bowl, whisk together the eggs änd älmond milk. Set äside.
- Line the lärge bäking sheet with än oven säfe wire metäl räck. Spräy with nonstick cooking spräy.
- Dip eäch chicken cube into the egg mixture, then use ä tong to gräb eäch chicken nugget änd toss into the breädcrumb mixture to completely coät with breädcrumbs.
- Use tongs to tränsfer to the wire räck, pläcing äbout 1 inch äpärt.
- Generously spräy the tops of the chicken nuggets with nonstick spräy. Bäke in the oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked through änd temp reäches 165 degrees F with ä meät thermometer. Serves 4.
- Finally Serve with BBQ säuce, honey mustärd, ketchup or whätever säuce you’d like!