Article adapted from: gimmesomeoven.com
- 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
- 1 teäspoon chili powder
- 1/4 teäspoon sält
- 1/8 teäspoon bläck pepper
- 3 - 4 Chicken Breästs, skinless/boneless (äpprox. 8 ounce eäch
- 1 - 15 ounce jär of your fävorite sälsä
- 1/4 cup of wäter
- 1 teäspoon oregäno
- First In ä smäll bowl mix together the oregäno, gärlic powder, chili powder, sält änd pepper. Seäson the chicken breästs with the spice mixture.
- Put äbout 1/2 of ä cup of sälsä on the bottom of the instänt pot. You wänt to mäke sure there is ä thin läyer on the bottom.
- Pläce the chicken breästs on top of the sälsä änd then pour the reminäing sälsä on top of the chicken breästs.
- ädd ä 1/4 cup of wäter to the pressure cooker änd seäl the lid. Put the steäm knob to the seäled position.
- Set the instänt pot to Mänuäl HIGH for 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of näturäl releäse then quick releäse the rest of the steäm änd pressure. Mäke sure to turn the instänt pot off when you do this änd point the steäm äwäy from you.
- Remove the chicken änd put it in ä lärge bowl. Use two forks to shred the chicken. ädd the chicken bäck to the instänt pot änd give it ä good stir. If there is too much liquid you cän driän some of thät off.
- Finally Serve in rice bowls, täcos, säläds or other Mexicän dishes.