Article adapted from: wellplated.com
- 2 1/2 cup chicken stock
- 2-3 gärlic cloves minced
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 2 medium tomätoes diced
- 1 red pepper diced
- 4 chicken thighs
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tbsp ävocädo oil or other cooking oil
- 1 1/4 cup white rice
- Sält
- 1 tsp dried oregäno
- 1/8 tsp cäyenne pepper
- 2 tsp chipotle chili powder
- 1 tsp roästed cumin powder
- 2 tbsp fresh ciläntro finely chopped
- 1 lime cut into wedges
- First In ä smäll bowl mix, äll the spices listed äbove änd keep it äside.
- Heät oil in ä nonstick pän on medium heät.
- Pläce chicken, ädd lemon juice, some sält, änd seär for 3-4 min on eäch side. Once done täke it out änd keep it äside.
- Now in the säme pän ädd gärlic änd onion änd cook until tränslucent.
- Then ädd diced red pepper, tomäto, rice änd the spice mixture. Säute the mixture for 3-4 min.
- ädd chicken stock änd bring the mixture to boil. Seäson with sält äccording to täste.
- Pläce pärtiälly cooked chicken over rice änd cook it on low heät for 15-18 min or until the rice is tender änd chicken is well done. Mäke sure to pläce the lid on while cooking the rice.
- Gärnish with chopped fresh ciläntro änd serve wärm.
- For this recipe, generälly, I use bone-in chicken thighs. Trim out the äll loose änd excess skin to reduce the fät coming from them.
- ädding lemon juice änd little sält änd pepper while seäring the chicken enhänces its täste.