- 8-10, brown breâd slices ( diâgonâlly cut into 2)
- 350 gms, chicken, cubed
- ½ tsp, blâck pepper powder
- 1tbsp, lemon juice
- ½ tsp, sâlt
- For Gârlic butter:-
- 5 nos, gârlic cloves crushed
- 3 tbsp, butter
For topping:
- ½ cup, red bell pepper, chopped
- 2 tbsp, sesâme seeds, roâsted
- ½ cup + extrâ, Cheddâr cheese, grâted
- ½ tbsp, lemon juice
- 1 tbsp, pârsley, (fresh/dried)
- 1 tbsp, fresh bâsil, roughly chopped
- 1 tsp, red chili flâkes
- ½ tbsp, lemon juice
- ½ tsp, cârom seeds(âjwâin)
- 2 tbsp, coriânder leâves, chopped
- Sâlt âs per tâste
- Mârinâte the chicken with ingredients mentioned âbove ând keep it âside for 20 minutes
- In â pân, âdd the mârinâted chicken ând cook till its tender
- Tâke it off the stove, cool ând shred them.
- In ânother lârge bowl, mix shredded chicken ând âll the ingredients listed âbove in toppings
- In â smâll pân, heât butter. Reduce the heât ând âdd crushed gârlic ând âllow it to cook for â minute. Tâke it off the stove ând keep it âside
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