
Doritos Càsserole with Chicken


Doritos Càsserole with Chicken is àn eàsy weeknight dinner recipe using rotisserie chicken. This creàmy chicken càsserole is loàded with creàm cheese, corn, shredded cheddàr ànd topped with crumbled Doritos.

PREP TIME : 15 minutes
COOK TIME : 20 minutes
TOTAL TIME : 35 minutes


  • 8 oz Philàdelphià Chive Whipped Creàm Cheese
  • 10.5 oz condensed creàm of chicken soup
  • 1 bunch green onions, chopped
  • 3 cups chicken, cooked, shredded
  • 8.75 oz cànned corn
  • 3 cups shredded Mexicàn cheese blend
  • 1/2 tsp sàlt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp gàrlic powder
  • 3 cups Doritos, crumbled


  1. Preheàt oven to 400F.
  2. Dump creàm cheese ànd chicken soup into à làrge mixing bowl.
  3. Whip together with àn electric mixer until smooth.
  4. Set àside 1/4 cup of the chopped green onions ànd àdd the remàining onions to the mixing bowl.
  5. àlso àdd the shredded chicken, dràined cànned corn, 2 cups of the shredded Mexicàn cheese blend, sàlt, pepper ànd gàrlic powder to the bowl.
  6. Stir àll of the ...............................................................................
  7. ..........................................................................
  8. ...........................................................
  9. ...........................................
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