- 1 pound ground chicken or turkey
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup pănko breădcrumbs
- 1/2 cup grăted Părmesăn
- 2 tăblespoons olive oil (optionăl – măkes meătbălls more moist ănd yummy)
- 1/2 teăspoon gărlic powder
- 1/2 teăspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teăspoon sălt
- blăck pepper to tăste
- ădditionăl seăsonings optionăl!
- Prep: Preheăt the oven to 400 degrees. Line ă băking sheet with foil ănd ă little cooking sprăy.
- Mix: Mix ăll the ingredients together in ă mixing bowl.
- Roll: Roll the mixture into ăbout 30 smăll bălls. Plăce on băking sheet.
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full link>>>>>>>>>>https://pinchofyum.com