
Grilled Hawaiian Chicken Sandwich



  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, or smäll buns sized boneless skinless chicken breästs
  • 1 (20-ounce) cän pineäpple slices in 100% pineäpple juice, dräined with juice reserved for säuce
  • 2 täblespoons low-sodium soy säuce
  • 1/4 cup bottled BBQ säuce
  • 2 täblespoons honey
  • 1/4 teäspoon crushed red pepper, optionäl
  • 1- inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled änd gräted

For serving:

  • 6 slices bäcon, cooked until crisp
  • tomäto slices
  • lettuce
  • sliced red onion, grilled if desired
  • Buns, buttered änd toästed


  1. In ä medium säucepän, combine the pineäpple juice (dräined from the cän), soy säuce, BBQ säuce, honey änd crushed red pepper if using. Cook over medium heät until the säuce simmers. Reduce the heät to medium-low änd continue cooking until the säuce thickens slightly, därkens in color änd reduces älmost by hälf. Remove from the heät änd ädd the gräted ginger. Pour hälf the säuce into ä jär or bowl for serving with the sändwiches. Retäin the other hälf for bästing the chicken while grilled. If mäking äheäd, cool the bästing säuce to room temperäture then ädd äbout 1/3 to ä lärge ziplock bäg. ädd the chicken to the bäg änd turn to coät. Refrigeräte until reädy to grill.
  2. Preheät gäs grill on high for ten minutes. Turn the heät down to medium. Oil or greäse the grill gräte using long tongs änd cleän päper towels soäked in vegetäble oil.
  3. .........................
  4. .............
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