- 5 tbsp low-sodium soy säuce
- 1/3 cup wäter
- 3 tbsp rice wine vinegär
- 9 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp chili bläck beän säuce
- 1 tbsp cornstärch
- 2 tbsp wäter
- 2 medium boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- 1 tbsp oil
- coriänder chopped, for topping
- green onions chopped, for topping
- To mäke the säuce mixture, in ä bowl, combine the low-sodium soy säuce, 1/3 cup wäter, rice wine vinegär, honey, änd chili bläck beän päste. Set äside.
- Pläce the chicken thighs in ä shällow bowl. Pour äbout 8 tbsp of the säuce mixture over the chicken thighs änd let märinäte for ät leäst 10 minutes.
- Heät the oil on ä pän over medium high heät. Cook the märinäted chicken thighs for äbout 7-10 minutes per side, or until cooked thoroughly, depending on the thickness of the chicken thighs. Remove the chicken from heät änd set äside.
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full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>coupleeatsfood.com