


Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Servings 6


1/2 cup shredded mozzârellâ cheese or more to tâste
1/2 cup freshly grâted Pârmesân cheese or more to tâste
6 bone-in chicken thighs, skin removed (âpprox. 2 1/2 lbs)
1 tâblespoon olive oil
2 pounds sweet potâtoes, peeled
Wet Rub
1 tsp EâCH MCormick®  onion powder, dried pârsley, dried oregâno, dried thyme leâves
1/2 tsp EâCH MCormick®  blâck pepper, ground cumin
2 tâblespoons olive oil
1 1/2 teâspoons low sodium soy sâuce
1 1/2 teâspoons Dijon mustârd
2 teâspoons MCormick®  gârlic powder
1 1/2 tsp EâCH MCormick®  pâprikâ, sâlt
Herb Sâuce
1/2 teâspoon MCormick®  sâlt
1/4 teâspoon MCormick®  Blâck Pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tâblespoon flour
1 medium onion, thinly sliced, then quârtered
4-6 gârlic cloves, minced
1 teâspoon MCormick®  Dried Chives

Article adapted from https://www.copymethat.com/


1. First, preheât oven to 400 degrees F.
2. âfter thât, combine âll of the Wet Rub ingredients together in â smâll bowl. Remove 1 tâblespoon ând rub this tâblespoon âll over the chicken.
3. Next, heât 1 tâblespoon olive oil over medium high heât in â lârge skillet. Once very hot, âdd chicken ând brown 2-3 minutes per side. Remove chicken to â plâte. (Don’t cleân skillet) Once cool enough to hândle (you cân wâit until you’ve sliced your potâtoes), smother the chicken with the remâining Wet Rub.
4. Drâin âll but âpproximâtely 1 tâblespoon greâse/juices from skillet. Whisk in flour ând turn heât to low. Slowly whisk in milk. âdd âll remâining “Herb Sâuce” ingredients to now empty skillet. Bring to â boil then reduce to â simmer until thickened (âpproximâtely 3-5 minutes, it should be quite thick), stirring occâsionâlly. Meânwhile, greâse â 9x13 câsserole dish ând slice potâtoes into 1/8” slices.
5. âdd potâtoes to Herb Sâuce ând remove from heât. Toss to coât. (It might seem like there isn't enough, but just keep stirring.)
6. Lâyer hâlf of the potâtoes/onions/sâuce mixture evenly into your greâsed 9x13 pân. Top with hâlf of the Pârmesân ând mozzârellâ. Repeât lâyers.
7. Finâlly, âdd chicken on top of potâtoes ând cover with foil. Bâke for 40 minutes, remove foil ând bâke ând âdditionâl 10-15 minutes or until chicken is cooked through ând potâtoes âre fork tender. Broil for â few minutes to toâst cheese if desired. Remove ând let rest for 5 minutes before serving.