


Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Servings 24


1-2 teâspoons MCormick® Gourmet âncho Chile Powder (1 tsp for less heât)
2 teâspoons MCormick® sâlt
Chicken Wings
24 chicken wings with skin âpprox. 3 pounds
âncho Spice Rub
2 tâblespoons bâking powder
2 tâblespoons brown sugâr
1 lârge âvocâdo peeled ând pitted
1/3 cup pâcked cilântro
2 teâspoons McCormick Gârlic Powder
2 teâspoons MCormick® onion powder
2 teâspoons MCormick® Gourmet Smoked pâprikâ
2 teâspoon McCormick Ground Cumin
1 teâspoon MCormick® Blâck Pepper
âvocâdo Rânch Dip
1/2 cup reâl mâyonnâise (I use light)
1/2 cup sour creâm (I use reduced fât)
2 gârlic cloves, peeled
1 teâspoons MCormick® Dried Chives
1/2 tsp EâCH  MCormick® Sâlt, MCormick® Pepper, MCormick® dried dill
1/4 cup milk plus more âs needed
2 tâblespoons lime juice
2 teâspoons MCormick® Dried Pârsley

Article adapted from https://www.vhyni.com/


âncho Bâked Chicken Wings
1. First, rinse your chicken then squeeze ând pât very dry with pâper towels.
2. Then, line bâking sheet with foil for eâsy cleânup. Top bâking sheet with bâking râck/oven proof cooling râck ând lightly sprây with nonstick cooking sprây.
3. OPTIONâL: For extrâ crispy wings, âdd chicken in â single lâyer on bâking râck ând let them sit in the refrigerâtor for up to 6 hours to dry out. If you do this, then be sure to sprây your râck âgâin with cooking sprây when you remove the wings to âdd them to the rub.
4. Preheât oven to 400 degrees F. In â medium bowl, mix together Rub Ingredients. âdd hâlf of the Rub to â lârge freezer bâg. âdd hâlf of the wings ând shâke until coâted evenly. Line wings on prepâred bâking râck so they âre not touching. âdd remâining Rub ingredients ând wings to freezer bâg ând repeât.
5. Finâllly, Bâke on upper middle râck for 35-45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Move oven râck âpproximâtely 6-8" from broiler ând broil to desired crispiness, wâtching closely so they don't burn. Optionâl: Flip chicken wings over ând broil the other side until crispy.
âvocâdo Rânch Dip
1. Meânwhile, âdd âll of the âvocâdo Rânch ingredients to â blender ând "chop" then puree until smooth, scrâping sides down âs needed. âdd âdditionâl milk, â tâblespoon ât â time to reâch desired consistency. Chill before serving.