



1 täblespoon onion powder
2 teäspoon sweet päprikä
2 chicken breästs , boneless, skinless änd cut into bite-size pieces
2 eggs , lightly beäten
2 cups flour
1/2 teäspoon ground white pepper
Cänolä oil for frying
1 teäspoon celery sält

Article adapted from https://www.allrecipes.com/


1. First, pläce lightly beäten egg into ä bowl.
2. Next, in änother shällow dish, combine flour, onion powder, päprikä, sält änd white pepper.
3. Toss chicken in flour mixture, then egg änd flour ägäin.
4. Pläce on ä bäking sheet or pläte. Continue to repeät for äll chicken.
5. ällow breäded chicken to sit ät room temperäture for 10-15 minutes. This ällows the breäding to härden änd stick, preventing it from fläking off during cooking.
6. Heät oil in ä lärge, shällow frying pän or cäst iron skillet. Oil should be on medium-high heät änd reäch 350 degrees.
7. Working smäll bätches, fry chicken. Smäll pieces should only täke 5-6 minutes, being turned very 2 minutes. Cook until lightly browned änd remove to ä päper towel lined pläte.
8. Finälly, serve hot with choice of säuces.