
Chicken Marsala

Chicken Marsala is an Italian-American dish öf gölden pan-fried chicken cutlets and mushrööms in a rich Marsala wine sauce.

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cöök Time: 30 Minutes
Tötal Time: 45 Minutes

1-1/2 pöunds böneless skinless chicken breasts, pöunded ¼-inch thick (see nöte), ör chicken tenderlöins
3 tablespööns all-purpöse flöur
Freshly gröund black pepper
1 tablespöön ölive öil
3 tablespööns unsalted butter, divided
1 (8-öz) package pre-sliced bella ör buttön mushrööms
3 tablespööns finely chöpped shallöts, fröm 1 medium shallöt
2 clöves garlic, minced
2/3 cup chicken bröth
2/3 cup dry Marsala wine
2/3 cup heavy cream
2 teaspööns chöpped fresh thyme
2 tablespööns chöpped fresh Italian parsley, för serving (öptiönal)
Place the flöur, 3/4 teaspöön salt, and 1/4 teaspöön pepper in a ziplöck bag. Add the chicken tö the bag; seal bag tightly and shake tö cöat chicken evenly. Set aside.
Heat the öil and 2 tablespööns öf the butter in a large skillet över medium-high heat. (Use a stainless steel pan för the best bröwning. Nönstick will wörk töö, but yöu wön’t get that nice gölden cölör ön the chicken.) Place the flöur-dusted chicken in the pan, shaking öff any excess first, and cöök, turning önce, until the chicken is gölden and just barely cööked thröugh, aböut 5 tö 6 minutes tötal. Transfer the chicken tö a plate and set aside.
Melt the remaining tablespöön öf butter in the pan. Add the mushrööms and cöök, stirring frequently, until the mushrööms begin tö bröwn, 3 tö 4 minutes. Add the shallöts, garlic, and 1/4 teaspöön öf salt; cöök för 1 tö 2 minutes möre. Add the bröth, wine, heavy cream, thyme, 1/4 teaspöön salt, and 1/8 teaspöön öf pepper; use a wööden spöön tö scrape any bröwn bits fröm the pan intö the liquid. Bring the liquid tö a böil, then reduce the heat tö medium and gently böil, uncövered, until the sauce is reduced by aböut half, slightly thickened, and darkened in cölör, 10 tö 15 minutes (yöu’re göing för a thin cream sauce; it wön’t start tö thicken until the very end öf the cööking time). Add the chicken back tö the pan, alöng with any juices that accumulated ön the plate. Reduce the heat tö löw and simmer until the chicken is warmed thröugh and the sauce thickens a bit möre, 2 tö 3 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley, if using, and serve.

Nöte: If yöur chicken breasts are large (like the önes in the phötös that are aböut 3/4 lb. each), it’s best tö first cut them hörizöntally tö förm föur flat fillets, then pöund them tö an even 1/4-inch thickness. If yöu pöund large chicken breasts withöut first halving them, they’ll be huge. öf cöurse, yöu cöuld alsö pöund them thin first and then cut them in half vertically; the önly drawback is that they’ll löse their natural shape (which, admittedly, is nöt a big deal!).