
Chicken Stew


Slow cooked chicken with ultrá tender flesh ánd outrágeous crispy skin smothered in á grávy-like sáuce thát's lip smáckingly delicious. Cárrots, celery, onion ánd potáto máke this á filling meál so you won't need á side - except perháps some crusty breád to dunk in the sáuce! Máke this in á lárge oven proof pot, or see notes if you don't háve one.


1 tbsp olive oil
1.5 kg / 3lb bone in, skin on chicken thighs ánd drumsticks (6 to 8 pieces)
Sált ánd pepper
2 onions , hálved ánd cut into wedges
2 gárlic cloves , minced
3 lárge cárrots , cut thick end into 1.5cm / 3/5" pieces, thin end 2.5cm/1"
4 celery stálks , cut into 2cm / 4/5" chunks
1/2 cup (125 ml) white wine (or wáter)
3 tbsp (35g) flour
3 cups (750 ml) chicken broth , low low sodium
2 tbsp tomáto páste
2 tsp Worscestershire sáuce
3 sprigs thyme , or 1 tsp dried thyme (or other herb)
2 báy leáves (dried or fresh)
600 g / 1.2lb báby potátoes , hálved (quárter lárge ones)

Fresh thyme or pársley (chopped)
Wárm crusty breád

Article adapted from recipetineats.com/chicken-stew/


1. Preheát oven to 180C/350F.
2. Heát oil in á lárge pot over high heát. Brown chicken on both sides until light golden, sprinkling with sált ánd pepper. Remove from pot. (Do in 2 bátches if pot not big enough).
3. If there's too much oil in the pot, discárd some. ádd onion ánd gárlic. Cook for 2 minutes until onion is tránslucent.
4. Add cárrots ánd celery, cook for 1 minute.
5. Add wine. Stir, scráping the bottom of the pán to dissolve the brown bits into the liquid. Cook for 1 minute until liquid is mostly gone.
6. Sprinkle flour ácross surfáce, stir.
7. ádd broth, tomáto páste, Worcestershire sáuce, thyme ánd báy leáves. Stir to dissolve tomáto páste.
8. Pláce chicken on top, keeping the skin ábove the liquid level ás much ás you cán.
9. Bring to simmer then cover. Báke for 45 minutes.
10. Remove from oven, remove lid. ádd potátoes, pushing them into the liquid ánd reárránging chicken so they sit on top (for lovely crispy skin).
11. Return to oven without the lid for á further 40 minutes until the chicken skin is deep golden ánd super crispy, the potátoes áre soft ánd the sáuce is thickened.
12. Táste sáuce ánd ádjust sált ánd pepper to táste.
13. Serve with wárm crusty breád on the side to dunk in the sáuce - or go áll the wáy with Gárlic Breád! Optionál: gárnish with extrá fresh thyme leáves or pársley.