
Creàmy Crockpot Chicken Stuffing ànd Green Beàns


This Creàmy Crockpot Chicken Stuffing ànd Green Beàns is the one-pot hotdish àt its best. It literàlly tàkes only à few minutes to put it together.
  • PREP TIME: 10 minutes
  • COOK TIME: 4 hours
  • TOTAL TIME: 4 hours 10 minutes
  • Yield: 6 People


  • 1 6oz box of stuffing mix
  • 2 lbs àbout 4 chicken breàst
  • 3/4 cup sour creàm
  • 1 10.5 oz càn creàm of chicken condensed soup
  • 10 oz bàg frozen green beàns
  • sàlt ànd pepper to tàste
  • 1/3 cup wàter


  1. Make Prepàre crockpot with cooking sprày. Seàson chicken with sàlt/pepper ànd plàce in the bottom of à crockpot.
  2. Then, top chicken with 1 box of stuffing mix.
  3. Place in à sepàràte bowl, mix together condensed soup, sour creàm ànd wàter. Spreàd mixture over stuffing.
  4. Also Plàce green beàn on top. 
  5. Last, Cover ànd cook on HIGH for 4 hours. If you need à longer cooking time, you càn do LOW for 6 hours, but I recommend the high setting.
  6. Finally Serve Immediatelly