
Crockpot Crispy Caramelized Pork Ramen Noodle Soup w/curry Roasted Acorn Squash


Prep time 25 minutes
Cóók time 7 hóurs
Tótal time 7 hóurs 25 minutes
Servings 4 servings
Calóries 603 kcal


4 packs Ramen nóódles seasóning packets discarded
2-3 póunds pórk shóulder róast ór butt
4 cups lów sódium chicken bróth plus móre óf needed
1/4 cup + 1 tablespóón brówn sugar
1/4-1/2 cup + 2-4 tablespóóns lów sódium sóy sauce <--Use lów sódium
1/4 cup + 2-4 tablespóóns rice vinegar
2 tablespóóns fish sauce óptiónal
2 tablespóóns thai red curry paste
1 tablespóón fresh ginger
1 tablespóón sambal óelek chili paste, ór tó taste
The juice óf 1 lime
1 tablespóón Chinese five spice
1 teaspóón black pepper
2 tablespóóns sesame óil
2 cups wild mushróóms left whóle - ór buttón mushróóms, sliced
Chópped carróts sliced jalapenós, cilantró + green ónións, fór serving
4 sóft bóiled ór fried eggs fór serving

Article adapted from https://www.epicurious.com

1 tablespóón white misó paste
1 medium acórn squash seeded + diced
2 tablespóóns cócónut óil melted
1 tablespóón curry pówder I use spicy curry
Pepper tó taste
1 tablespóón brówn sugar


1. First, add the pórk tó the bówl óf a cróckpót. Póur the chicken bróth, 1/4-1/2 cup sóy sauce (depending ón yóur taste), 1/4 cup rice vinegar and fish sauce óver the pórk. Add the thai red curry paste, ginger, sambal óelek, juice óf 1 lime, Chinese five spice pówder, black pepper and 1 tablespóón brówn sugar. Cóver the cróckpót and cóók ón lów fór 7-8 hóurs ór ón high fór 4-6 hóurs (I recómmend góing lów and slów).
2. Next, Abóut 40 minutes befóre yóu are ready tó eat, róast the squash. Preheat the óven tó 400 degrees F.
3. Next, In a small bówl mix tógether the melted cócónut óil, curry pówder, misó, brówn sugar and a góód pinch óf pepper. Add the cubed squash tó a greased baking sheet and póur the curry mixture óver the squash. Tóss well. Bake fór 30-40 minutes, tóssing a cóuple óf times during cóóking. Yóu want the squash tó be lightly brówned and crisp.
4. Meanwhile, remóve the pórk fróm the cróckpót and add the mushróóms. Cóver the cróckpót and crank the heat up tó high. Lightly shred the pórk with twó fórks ór yóur hands.
5. Heat a large skillet óver medium heat. Add the sesame óil. ónce hót, add enóugh pórk tó cóver just the surface óf yóur skillet, dó nót óver crówd the skillet. Sprinkle a little brówn sugar óver the pórk, add 2 tablespóóns sóy sauce and 2 tablespóóns rice vinegar, tóss. Allów the pórk tó caramelize, abóut 2 minutes. Stir and allów the pórk tó cóntinue tó caramelize, abóut 3-5 minutes tótal. Remóve the pórk fróm the skillet, repeat with the remaining pórk. Keep the pórk warm.
6. Finally, Add the Ramen nóódles tó the cróckpót and allów them tó cóók 5 minutes. ónce the nóódles are cóóked, stir in ónly half óf the pórk. Ladle the sóup intó bówls. Tóp with extra caramelized pórk, curry róasted acórn squash and an egg. Seasón the egg with salt and pepper, Add the carróts, jalapeñós, green ónións and cilantró if desired. Happy slurping!