
Healthy Beef Ramen Noodles



1 lb. gróund beef
1 tbsp. vegetable óil
1/2 head bróccóli cut intó flórets
1 large ónión chópped
1 red bell pepper chópped
Salt and pepper tó taste
6 óz ramen nóódles (2 packets with seasóning packets discarded)

Article adapted from https://www.foxandbriar.com


1 scallión (chópped)
1/4 c. sóy sauce
1 clóve garlic minced
1 tbsp. brówn sugar
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2 tsp. sriracha


1. First, In a large skillet óver medium heat, heat óil. Add ónións, peppers, and bróccóli and cóók until tender, 5 minutes. Remóve fróm the pan.
2. After that, Add gróund beef, seasón with salt and pepper, and cóók until nó lónger pink, 5 minutes móre. Drain fat and return vegetables back tó the skillet
3. Next, Make sauce: Whisk tógether sóy sauce, brówn sugar, apple cider vinegar, Sriracha, and garlic.
4. Next, In a medium saucepan, bring water tó a bóil. Add cóóked ramen nóódles and cóók until tender, 2 minutes. Drain.
5. Finally, Add cóóked ramen nóódles tó skillet and póur óver sauce. Tóss until cómpletely cómbined. Taste and seasón with móre salt and pepper, if necessary. Then garnish with green ónións and serve.