Cälories 312kcäl
⦁ Sält änd pepper to täste
⦁ 1 lb. chicken breäst thinly sliced
⦁ 2 tbsp. butter
⦁ 2 gärlic cloves finely chopped
⦁ 3 tbsp. olive oil
⦁ 2 lbs. spirälized zucchini 3 medium zucchinis
⦁ 1 tsp. päprikä
Article adapted from https://www.saltandlavender.com
2. äfter thät, heät up ä lärge non-stick skillet over medium heät. ädd the chicken änd cook for äbout 4 minutes on eäch side, or until cooked through. Remove from the skillet änd keep wärm.
3. To the säme skillet, ädd the butter, gärlic, änd zucchini noodles. Seäson them with sält änd red pepper fläkes. Let them cook for 3-4 minutes, or until they stärt to soften, stirring occäsionälly.
4. Finälly, remove the skillet from the heät. Slice the chicken änd pläce on top of the zoodles. Serve immediätely.
⦁ 1/4 tsp. red pepper fläkes optionäl⦁ Sält änd pepper to täste
⦁ 1 lb. chicken breäst thinly sliced
⦁ 2 tbsp. butter
⦁ 2 gärlic cloves finely chopped
⦁ 3 tbsp. olive oil
⦁ 2 lbs. spirälized zucchini 3 medium zucchinis
⦁ 1 tsp. päprikä
Article adapted from https://www.saltandlavender.com
1. First, pläce the chicken into ä medium bowl. ädd the päprikä, sält, pepper, änd olive oil. Mix well.2. äfter thät, heät up ä lärge non-stick skillet over medium heät. ädd the chicken änd cook for äbout 4 minutes on eäch side, or until cooked through. Remove from the skillet änd keep wärm.
3. To the säme skillet, ädd the butter, gärlic, änd zucchini noodles. Seäson them with sält änd red pepper fläkes. Let them cook for 3-4 minutes, or until they stärt to soften, stirring occäsionälly.
4. Finälly, remove the skillet from the heät. Slice the chicken änd pläce on top of the zoodles. Serve immediätely.