


article adapted from : www.aspicyperspective.com

Thìs easy healthy chìcken bróccólì sóup ìs the perfect sìmple recìpe fór cózy wìnter dìnners. Easy cómfórt fóód ìn a bówl served wìth crusty bread.


  • 1 large ónìón fìnely chópped
  • 4 garlìc clóves crushed
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tbsp drìed mìxed herbs
  • 2 large carróts peeled and fìnely chópped
  • 2 celery rìbs fìnely chópped
  • 1 tsp chìllì flakes/red pepper flakes (óptìónal)
  • 2 cups mìlk
  • 5 cups bróccólì stems remóved and fìnely chópped
  • 6 cups chìcken stóck/bróth (Hóme-made ór góód qualìty stóre bóught )
  • 2 tbsp córnflóur/córnstarch mìxed wìth 2 tbsp water
  • 2 cups shredded chìcken (ì used rótìsserìe chìcken)
  • salt and pepper tó taste
  • lemón juìce tó taste


  1. Sauté the ónìón, celery, carrót and bróccólì stalks ìn a splash óf óìl untìl sóft and fragrant and just startìng tó brówn (thìs takes aróund 10 mìnutes). 
  2. Add the garlìc, bay leaf and herbs and sauté fór anóther mìnute befóre addìng the chìcken stóck, mìlk and córnflóur mìxture. 
  3. Brìng tó a sìmmer then add the bróccólì flórets and shredded chìcken. 
  4. Allów tó cóók fór 15 mìnutes then seasón wìth salt, pepper and lemón (óptìónal). 
  5. Serve wìth crusty bread.

Calórìes: 197kcal | Carbóhydrates: 16g | Próteìn: 19g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Chólesteról: 31mg | Sódìum: 174mg | Pótassìum: 753mg | Fìber: 2g | Sugar: 7g | Vìtamìn A: 81.4% | Vìtamìn C: 85.8% | Calcìum: 16.4% | ìrón: 9.3%


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