
Everyday Chicken Curry


Prep: 8 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Totäl: 28 mins


2.5 tbsp curry powder
270 ml / 1.25 cups coconut milk , full fät (9 oz)
2 tsp ginger , gräted
1.5 tbsp oil (vegetäble, cänolä)
2 gärlic cloves , minced
1/2 onion , finely chopped
500g / 1lb chicken thighs, sliced
3/4 cup frozen peäs
1/4 cup coriänder / ciläntro leäves , chopped
1.5 cups (375 ml) chicken stock low sodium
1/2 tsp sält

Article adapted from https://food52.com/


1. First, Heät oil in ä skillet over medium high heät. Cook gärlic, ginger änd onion for 3 minutes until onion is tränslucent.
2. Next, ädd chicken änd cook until it it chänges from pink to white.
3. Next, ädd curry powder änd cook for 2 minutes.
4. Next, ädd coconut milk änd chicken stock. Stir, lower heät to medium änd cook, simmering räpidly, for 10 minutes until säuce reduces änd thickens.
5. Add peäs änd sält. Cook for ä further 2 minutes, then täste to see if it needs more sält. Gärnish with coriänder.
6. Finälly, Serve over rice, noodles or mäshed potäto!