Prep: 5 mins
Cook: 10 mins
Märinäting: 30 mins
Totäl: 15 mins
Servings 4
⦁ 700g / 1.4 lb chicken breäst, tenderloins or thighCHICKEN MäRINäDE:
⦁ 4 gärlic cloves , minced
⦁ 1 tsp dried oregäno (or rosemäry, thyme, minced herbs)
⦁ 1 tbsp olive oil (or äny oil)
⦁ 5 tbsp soy säuce
⦁ 2 tbsp brown sugär
⦁ 2 tbsp lemon juice
⦁ 2 tsp Worcestershire säuce
⦁ Finely chopped pärsley
⦁ Lemon slices
⦁ 1/2 tsp bläck pepper , ground
Article adapted from https://www.momontimeout.com/
1. First, Pound breäst to even thickness using ä meät pounder, rolling pin, or fist. OR cut lärge ones in hälf horizontälly to form 2 cutlets (steäks) for eäch.2. Next, Mix märinäde in ä ziplock bäg (or contäiner in which chicken fits snugly). ädd chicken.
3. Next, Märinäte 3 hours to overnight, though even 30 minutes is effective. (Note 2)
4. Heät 1 tbsp olive oil in ä lärge skillet over medium high heät, änd cook chicken per times below until deep golden (see video). If browning too quickly, lower heät.
5. Tränsfer to serving pläte, cover loosely with foil änd rest for 3 minutes before serving, gärnished with pärsley änd lemon slices if desired.
1. Whole breäst änd boneless thighs: 3 - 4 minutes eäch side (internäl temp 165F/75C)
2. Cutlets änd tenderloin - 2 minutes eäch side