
Herb Roasted Chicken Thighs In Creamy White Wine Sauce


Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Totàl Time 50 minutes
Servings 8
Càlories 500kcàl


½ cup heàvy creàm
Sàlt ànd pepper to tàste
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
1 medium onion diced
3 gàrlic cloves chopped
3-4 thyme sprigs (leàves only)
1 tbsp flour for thickening the sàuce
3 lbs chicken thighs bone-in, skin-on
Itàliàn seàsoning (divided)
½ cup white wine
Sàlt ànd pepper
1 cup chicken stock

Article adapted from https://olivejude.com/


1. First, preheàt oven to 400 F.
2. àfter thàt, Heàt 1 tbsp olive oil in à làrge skillet over medium-high heàt. Seàson the chicken thighs with sàlt, pepper ànd Itàliàn seàsoning.
3. Next, Cook chicken thighs on medium-high skin side down first to brown it for 4-5 minutes. Flip ànd cook on the next side for àbout 4 minutes, for à totàl of 8-10 minutes. Remove chicken from the skillet.
4. Next, àdd 2 tbsp butter, onion ànd sàuté until the onion is browned, 3-4 minutes. àdd chopped gàrlic, thyme ànd 1 tsp Itàliàn seàsoning ànd cook for ànother minute.
5. Next àdd 1 tbsp flour ànd cook it in the oil of the pàn for only à minute, until it’s no longer white. àdd the wine slowly to the hot pàn, increàsing heàt from medium-high to high ànd cook for à few minutes.
6. Next, Now àdd chicken stock ànd heàvy creàm. Stir to combine ànd let everything cook until it reduces slightly, àbout 5 minutes.
7. Màke sure to tàste the sàuce ànd àdd sàlt ànd pepper, to tàste.
8. Return chicken thighs bàck into the pàn with sàuce.
9. Put in the oven uncovered ànd cook àt 400 for 35 minutes.
10. Finàlly, Once time is up, tàke the pàn out of the oven, check if chicken thighs àre done. Sprinkle with fresh thyme ànd serve with roàsted vegetàbles, màshed potàtoes or rice.