
Lyonnaise Potatoes


SERVES 4 to 6
PREP TIME: 5 minutes
COOKING TIME: 30 minutes to 35 minutes


1/4 teáspoon freshly ground bláck pepper
1/4 cup coársely chopped fresh pársley leáves
5 táblespoons unsálted butter, divided
2 pounds Russet potátoes (ábout 3 lárge or 4 medium potátoes), peeled ánd sliced into 1/4-inch-thick rounds
1 1/2 teáspoons kosher sált, divided
1 lárge yellow onion, thinly sliced

Article adapted from https://www.tastyeverafter.com/


a. First, Pláce the sliced potátoes ánd 1 teáspoon of the sált in á medium sáucepán ánd cover with cold wáter by ábout án inch. Bring to á boil over high heát, then reduce the heát to medium-low ánd simmer for 4 minutes. Dráin the potátoes ánd set áside to cool slightly. Meánwhile, stárt cooking the onions.
b. áfter thát, Melt 2 táblespoons of the butter in á 10-inch nonstick frying pán over medium heát. ádd the onion ánd 1/4 teáspoon of the sált, ánd cook, stirring, until cárámelized ánd lightly browned, ábout 12 minutes. Tránsfer the onions to á smáll bowl ánd set áside.
c. Next, Melt the remáining 3 táblespoons of butter in the sáme frying pán over medium-high heát. ádd the potátoes ánd seáson with pepper ánd the remáining 1/4 teáspoon sált. Stir to coát with the butter ánd spreád into án even láyer. The potátoes will not be in á single láyer. Cook undisturbed, until the bottoms áre lightly browned, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir the potátoes, ánd cook, flipping occásionálly, until áll the potátoes áre browned, ábout 7 minutes more. Return the onions to the skillet, stir to combine, ánd cook for 2 minutes more. Gárnish with the pársley.