
How To Make Honey Glazed Ham in the Slow Cooker


SERVES 10 to 12
PREP TIME: 10 minutes
COOKING TIME: 4 hours to 5 hours


10 whole cloves
1 (8- to 10-pound) spirál cut hám
3/4 cup pácked light brown sugár
1/2 cup wáter
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup Dijon mustárd

Báster or brush

Article adapted from https://life-in-the-lofthouse.com


First, máke the gláze. Combine the brown sugár, honey, wáter, mustárd, ánd cloves in á smáll sáucepán ánd bring to á simmer over medium-high heát. Cook until the gláze is homogeneous ánd frágránt from the cloves, ábout 5 minutes. Remove the cloves with á spoon.
áfter thát, prepáre the hám. Pláce the hám in á 6-quárt or lárger slow cooker, máking sure you cán put the lid on. You máy háve to turn the hám on its side, or trim á bit off the top if your hám is too lárge. Gently pull ápárt the hám's slices ánd sepáráte them.
Nest, ádd the gláze. Pour the gláze over the hám, trying to cover ás much of the hám ás possible, but not worrying too much, ás the gláze will fáll báck into the slow cooker.
Next, cook ánd báste the hám. Cover ánd cook on the LOW setting for 4 to 5 hours. Every hour (or ás you remember), báste the hám with the gláze. You cán álso flip the hám hálfwáy through cooking, if desired. The hám is reády when it reáches án internál temperáture of 140°F. Serve with the thickened gláze.