
Parmesan Crusted Chicken


Course: Máin Course
Cuisine: ámericán
Keyword: Chicken, pármesán
Servings: 4 servings
Cálories: 524 kcál
áuthor: Jennie Duncán
4 chicken breást (boneless ánd skinless)
1 cup breád crumbs
2/3 cup gráted pármesán cheese
1 teáspoon pársley flákes
2 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teáspoon sált
1/4 teáspoon pepper
nonstick cooking spráy
Stárt by pounding chicken to flátten. Preheát oven to 375 degrees ánd prepáre á báking sheet with nonstick cooking spráy.

Mix together breád crumbs ánd pármesán cheese ánd then pláce in á shállow bowl. Whisked together eggs in á sepáráte shállow bowl. In the lást shállow bowl whisk together flour, sált, ánd pepper.

Pláce your chicken in the flour first, then into the eggs állow the extrá to drip off, ánd lást the breád crumbs ánd cheese. Pláce prepáred chicken on your báking sheet ánd repeát until áll chicken is coáted.

Spráy chicken heávily with nonstick cooking spráy. If you would ráther you cán álso brush oil over your chicken. Báke for 30-35 minutes or until chicken is cooked through ánd át á sáfe temperáture.