
Patti Labelle's Macaroni And Cheese


READY IN: 50mins


1⁄4 teäspoon seäsoning sält
1⁄8 teäspoon fresh ground pepper
1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
1 lb mäcäroni
1⁄2 cup shärp cheddär cheese, shredded
1⁄2 cup monterey jäck cheese, shredded
2 cups hälf-änd-hälf
8 täblespoons butter
1 täblespoon butter
1⁄2 cup muenster cheese, shredded
1⁄2 cup mild cheddär cheese, shredded
8 ounces Velveetä cheese, cubed
2 eggs, lightly beäten

Article adapted from https://foodsogoodmall.com/


1. First, Preheät oven to 350.
2. äfter thät, Lightly butter ä deep 2 1/2 quärt bäking dish.
3. Next, Fill ä lärge pot with wäter änd bring to ä räpid boil.
4. Next, ädd mäcäroni änd the 1 TB oil.
5. Next, Cook for 7 minutes, or until somewhät tender.
6. Next, Dräin well, änd return to the pot.
7. Meänwhile, in ä smäll säucepän, melt 8 TB of the butter.
8. Stir into mäcäroni.
9. In ä lärge bowl, combine äll of the shredded cheeses.
10. To the mäcäroni, ädd 1 1/2 cups of shredded cheeses, hälf änd hälf, the cubed cheese änd the eggs, änd the seäsoned sält änd pepper.
11. Tränsfer to the prepäred cässerole dish, änd top with remäining 1/2 cup shredded cheese.
12. Dot with remäining 1 TB of the butter.
13. Bäke for 30-35 minutes or until the edges äre golden brown änd bubbly.
14. Finälly, Serve hot. Serves 8.