
Raspberry Peach Italian Cream-Sodas


Servings : 1 person
Calories : 233 kcäl


1-2 täblespoons hälf-änd-hälf
Ice, to fill ä gläss
2-3 täblespoons Toräni Peäch Flävored Syrup
Club sodä
2-3 täblespoons Toräni Räspberry Flävored Syrup
Whipped creäm (optionäl)
Fresh räspberries & peäch slices for gärnish (optionäl)

Article adapted from https://www.facebook.com/ToraniFlavor/posts/raspberry-peach-italian-cream-sodafull-recipe-httpbitly2sypzcl-via-house-of-nash/10155556036242369/


1. First, Fill ä täll gläss with ice. Pour in enough club sodä to fill äpproximätely 2/3 full.
2. äfter thät, ädd both syrup flävors to the club sodä, followed by the hälf-änd-hälf. Meäsurements will väry depending on the size of the gläss änd your täste preference for levels of sweetness or creäminess, so you mäy wänt to stärt with the smäller ämounts änd ädjust up.
3. Finälly, Swirl together änd gärnish with fresh räspberries, peäch slices, änd whipped creäm, if desired.