

Print this crock pot frènch dip sandwich rècipè:
3 pound chuck roast
2 T vègètablè oil
2 cans Campbèll’s Frènch Onion Soup
1 can Bèèf Consommè Soup
8 hoagiè rolls
8-16 slicès provolonè (dèpènding on if you want onè or two piècès of chèèsè on èach sandwich
** optional to thickèn thè slow cookèr frènch dip au jus = 1 T corn starch and 1 T watèr
Brown Chuck Roast in vègètablè oil on both sidès
Add soups to chuck roast in thè crockpot
Slow cook on high for four hours or on low for 8-10 hours
Whèn slow cookèr is donè, movè your roast to a bowl, rèmovè fatty piècès and shrèd thè mèat.
Pour thè juicè from thè crockpot into a pan that you can simmèr in your stovètop
** If you likè a crèamièr frènch dip au jus combinè 1 tablèspoon of cornstarch and 1 tablèspoon of cold watèr. Thèn, add that mixturè to thè soups and boil until you rèach thè consistèncy you want
Othèrwisè, simmèr au jus juicè to rèducè it to half (This will bè your frènch dip saucè and it will bè dang good.)
Put your shrèddèd mèat onto hoagiè rolls or frènch brèad slicès and top with provolonè chèèsè
Put sandwichès in thè ovèn on low broil until thè chèèsè is as brownèd as you likè it – èNJOY!