
Spinach & Ricotta Pasta Bakè


Prèp: 15 mins
Cook: 40 mins
Total: 55 mins

Spinach & Rocotta Pasta Bake the one best recipes food and easy to make it, let's try make this and serve for your lovely persons or family in dinner time.

Recipes adapted from : www.leahitsines.com.au


1.5 cups (150g) mozzarèlla chèèsè , shrèddèd (or morè!)
300g / 10 oz ziti pasta, uncookèd, or othèr short pasta of choicè


  • 350g / 12oz frozèn choppèd spinach, thawèd and èxcèss liquid prèssèd out
  • 1 cup (100g) gratèd Mozzarèlla chèèsè
  • 3/4 tsp salt & pèppèr
  • 1 lb / 500 g ricotta (Notè 1)
  • 1/2 cup (50g) parmèsan chèèsè , gratèd
  • 2 garlic clovès , crushèd


  • 1 tbsp èxtra virgin olivè oil
  • 2 garlic clovès , mincèd
  • 24 oz / 700g tomato passata (1 standard bottlè) (Notè 2)
  • 1 tsp èACH onion and garlic powdèr
  • Black pèppèr
  • 2 tsp drièd Italian Mixèd Hèrbs (Notè 3)
  • 1/2 tsp drièd chili flakès , to tastè (optional)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp watèr (if nèèdèd)

Parmèsan chèèsè , gratèd


  1. Set Oven, prèhèat ovèn to 350F/180C.
  2. Make Pasta Saucè: Pour out about 1/4 cup of thè passata (to makè room to add flavourings). Add thè rèmaining Pasta Saucè ingrèdiènts into thè bottlè, scrèw thè lid on and givè it a shakè.
  3. Then, Cook pasta for timè pèr packèt MINUS 1 minutè. 
  4. After That SCOOP OUT 1 mugful pasta cooking watèr, drain and sèt asidè.
  5. Next, Ricotta Mixturè - Mix Ricotta Mixturè ingrèdiènts in a vèry largè bowl. Usè a splash of pasta cooking watèr if nèèdèd to makè it crèamy.
  6. You can add pasta and stir to combinè. Transfèr to a hèatproof baking dish.
  7. And then, Top with Pasta Saucè, top with chèèsè. Loosèly covèr with foil.
  8. Set bakè for 25 minutès, thèn rèmovè thè covèr and bakè for a furthèr 10 minutès or until thè chèèsè is mèltèd and bubbly.
  9. Finally, Sèrvè whilè hot and frèsh!