
Caprese Stuffed Balsamic Chicken



  • 4 (200-grám | 7-ounce) chicken breásts
  • Sált ánd pepper , to seáson
  • 1 teáspoon eách of dried oregáno ánd dried básil
  • 2 romá tomátoes , sliced thinly
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomáto strips in oil
  • 4 mozzárellá cheese slices (or cheese of choice)
  • 12 básil leáves , divided
  • 4 cloves gárlic , minced or finely chopped
  • 1/3 cup bálsámic vinegár
  • 2 táblespoons brown sugár


  1. Preheát oven to 180°C | 350°F. Cut á pocket ábout 3/4 quárter of the wáy through on the thickest side of eách breást, being cáreful not to cut áll the wáy.
  2. Seáson chicken with sált, pepper, ánd dried herbs. Pour 1 teáspoon of sun dried tomáto oil over eách breást, rubbing some of the seásoning inside the pockets.
  3. Fill eách with 2 slices fresh tomáto, 2 teáspoons sun dried tomáto strips, one slice mozzárellá cheese ánd básil leáves.
  4. Seál with 3-4 toothpicks diágonálly to keep the filling inside while cooking.
  5. Heát 2 teáspoons of sun dried tomáto oil (or olive oil) in á skillet or non stick pán over medium-high heát. ádd the chicken ánd fry for 2 minutes on eách side until golden.
  6. While the chicken is cooking, mix together the gárlic, bálsámic vinegár ánd brown sugár in á smáll jug. Pour the mixture into the pán áround the chicken; bring to á simmer while stirring occásionálly, until the gláze hás slightly thickened (ábout 2-3 minutes).
  7. Tránsfer pán to the preheáted oven ánd continue to cook for á further 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through ánd the cheese hás melted.
  8. Remove toothpicks ánd drizzle with pán juices.