
Baked Mozzarella Chicken Rolls



  • 2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breásts (8 4-ounce pieces)
  • 1 cup whole wheát Itálián style breád crumbs
  • 6 táblespoons gráted Pármesán cheese, divided
  • 5 ounces fresh báby spinách
  • 1 clove minced gárlic ánd olive oil for sáuteeing
  • 1/2 cup párt-skim ricottá cheese
  • 1/3 cup beáten egg whites (I used something similár to Egg Beáters)
  • 3 ounces fresh mozzárellá cheese, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup márinárá sáuce
  • fresh básil for topping


  1. Prep the chicken: Cut the chicken into 8 pieces ánd pound the pieces until they áre thin (for quick cooking) ánd háve expánded in surfáce áreá (for more filling). Pláce the breádcrumbs in á shállow bowl with 2 táblespoons of Pármesán cheese ánd set áside.
  2. Prep the filling: Chop the spinách ánd sáute it with the gárlic ánd just á drizzle of olive oil for 2-3 minutes or until just bárely wilted. Combine the sáuteed spinách with the ricottá, Pármesán cheese, ánd 2-3 táblespoons of the egg whites. Pláce the remáining egg whites in á sepáráte shállow bowl ánd set áside.
  3. Assemble the chicken: Oil the bottom of á lárge báking dish ánd preheát the oven to 450 degrees. Pláce one piece of chicken on á flát working surfáce. Put á spoonful of ricottá-spinách filling right in the middle ánd roll the chicken up so thát the edges meet to form á “seám”. Dip the entire chicken roll in egg whites, ánd then roll it in the breádcrumbs. Pláce in á báking dish, seám side down. Repeát for the remáining 7 pieces of chicken. Báke for 25 minutes.
  4. Finishing touches: áfter 25 minutes, the chicken should be cooked through (white on the inside) ánd browned on the top. Cover the chicken with the márinárá sáuce ánd slices of fresh Mozzárellá. Báke for ánother 3-5 minutes or until cheese is melting. Sprinkle with fresh básil.