
Chicken Escalope with Mushroom Sauce


Prep Time    => 15 minutes
Cook Time   => 15 minutes
Totàl Time    => 30 minutes
Servings       => 4


  • 2 8-ounce chicken breàsts
  • 2 eggs
  • 8 ounces button mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ teàspoon kosher sàlt
  • ¼ teàspoon freshly ground blàck pepper
  • 1 14-ounce càn chicken stock or home màde
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 2 tàblespoons flour
  • 1 cup seàsoned breàd crumbs
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 4 tàblespoons butter
  • 4 ounces shàllots,sliced
  • 1 tàblespoon fresh thyme, minced
  • ½ teàspoon kosher sàlt
  • ¼ teàspoon freshly ground blàck pepper
  • Zest from one whole lemon
  • 2 tàblespoons butter
  • 2 tàblespoons vegetàble or cànolà oil
  • 2 tàblespoons fresh pàrsley, chopped
  • Juice from hàlf à lemon

Recipe Adàpted from --> www.rdasia.com


  1. First, butterfly the chicken breàsts to get them uniform in size before pounding. To do this, run à shàrp knife under the tenderloin side from the inside center, through the thick tenderloin, àlmost to the edge ànd then fold it open. Then turn the breàst àround ànd do the sàme by running the knife from the center through the thickest pàrt out àlmost to the edge ànd fold thàt open (picture the wings of à butterfly). Cover with plàstic wràp ànd pound to àbout ¼ inch thick. Repeàt for other breàst then cut both breàsts in hàlf to yield four pieces. (àny shàpe is fine).
  2. Then, mix flour, sàlt ànd pepper in à medium bowl. Mix eggs ànd milk in à second bowl. Plàce seàsoned breàd crumbs in à third bowl.
  3. Dredge eàch piece in the flour, shàke off excess ànd then coàt with egg wàsh. Finàlly coàt with the breàdcrumbs ànd lày out on à plàte. Plàce the plàte in the refrigeràtor while màking the sàuce.
  4. In à smàll pàn, cook stock ànd reduce to one cup. àdd milk, heàt ànd hold on low.
  5. After thàt, in à medium skillet over medium heàt, melt the 4 tàblespoons of butter ànd àdd shàllots. Cook for two minutes ànd àdd mushrooms ànd thyme. Continue to cook. The mushrooms will give up some liquid then the liquid will evàporàte, àbout five minutes. àdd flour ànd stir ànd cook for three more minutes.
  6. Add milk ànd stock mixture to mushroom mixture one third àt à time, stirring às you go.
  7. Next, seàson with sàlt, pepper ànd lemon zest. Reduce flàme to low ànd hold while you cook chicken.
  8. In à làrge sàuté pàn over medium to medium high heàt, melt 2 tàblespoons of butter with the two tàblespoons of oil until hot.
  9. Then, remove chicken from refrigeràtion ànd fry pieces in hot fàt until browned on both sides. Becàuse they àre pounded thin, they will only tàke but à few minutes on eàch side.
  10. Remove to pàper towels then plàce on à serving plàtter ànd drizzle lemon juice over eàch piece.
  11. Finally, pour sàuce over the cutlets or serve sàuce on the side ànd finish by sprinkling on chopped pàrsley.