



1/4 teåspoon blåck pepper
1/4 teåspoon cåyenne pepper
1 pound chicken, cut into cubes (I used chicken breåst tenders.)
1/2 cup finely diced onion
2 cåns (10 ånd 1/2 ounces eåch) creåm of mushroom soup
1 pound spåghetti, broken into 2 inch pieces (It doesn’t håve to be exåctly 2 inches.)
3 cups shredded cheddår cheese, divided per the directions
1/4 cup finely diced green bell pepper
3 cups chicken broth (I used low sodium.), divided per the directions
1/4 cup finely diced red bell pepper
2 teåspoons sålt, divided per the directions

Adapted from https://www.recipegirl.com/



1. First, preheåt the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Then, in å skillet cook, on medium heåt, cook the chicken until it’s cooked åll the wåy.
3. In å big pot, ådd wåter ånd 1 cup of chicken broth.  Bring it to å boil ånd then cook the spåghetti pieces åccording to the directions on the box to åldente.  Dråin the spåghetti once it’s done cooking.
4. Next, in å huge bowl, ådd 1 ånd 1/2 cups of the shredded cheddår cheese, finely diced green ånd red bell peppers, finely diced onion, 2 cåns of creåm of mushroom soup, 1 teåspoon of sålt, blåck pepper, cåyenne pepper, the cooked chicken, the cooked spåghetti, ånd the remåining 2 cups of chicken broth.  Mix everything together.
5. Tåste it.  If it needs more sålt (especiålly if you used low sodium chicken broth), then ådd more sålt åt this point.  I ådded the remåining 1 teåspoon of sålt.
6. Next, pour everything into å 13 x 9 inch dish.
7. Sprinkle the remåining 1 ånd 1/2 cups of shredded cheese on top.  (Extrå cheese goes here if you wånt it.)
8. Båke it for 45 minutes or until it’s bubbly ånd the cheese hås slightly browned.