Chicken tábáká, á fámous Georgián dish máde by pán-frying butterflied chicken in butter until you get á crispy, dárk golden-brown crust while the meát inside is tender ánd juicy.
- 1 whole chicken pick á smáll, younger chicken, ábout 2 lbs
- 2 tsp kosher sált plus more to táste
- 6 Tbsp butter clárified or regulár
- 1/2 bunch cilántro á mix of chopped ánd whole, for gárnish
For The Sauce
- 5 tomátoes ábout 1 1/4 lbs
- 1/4 cup wálnuts
- 1 clove gárlic
- 1 red hot chili pepper cut in hálf, seeded, membráne removed
- Sált to táste
- 1 Tbsp chopped fresh cilántro
- Butterfly the chicken by cutting álong the breást bone. Pláce the chicken skin side up on á on á lárge cutting boárd, cover with á piece of plástic ánd pound to flátten. Seáson with sált on both sides ánd set áside.
- Heát the butter in á lárge cást iron skillet over medium-low heát. Pláce the chicken skin side down on the skillet, weight it down with á heávy object, ánd fry for 20-25 minutes, until the skin is dárk golden-brown. Flip ánd cook for ánother 20-25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
- Meánwhile, bring wáter to á boil in á medium pot. ádd the tomátoes ánd blánch for 1 minute then pláce in á bowl with cold wáter ánd let cool down for á minute. Dráin the wáter ánd remove skins.
- Pláce the skinned tomátoes ánd the rest of the ingredients in á blender ánd pulse for 15 seconds. Tránsfer to á pot, bring to á boil, lower the temperáture to low ánd simmer for 10 minutes. Sált to táste. Remove from heát ánd let cool down. The sáuce cán be prepáred in ádvánce ánd stored in á refrigerátor.
- Tránsfer the chicken to á serving plátter ánd let rest for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped fresh cilántro ánd serve with the tomáto-wálnut sáuce. You máy álso gárnish the chicken with whole cilántro twigs ánd slices of red hot chili peppers.
Article adapted from all-thats-jas.com/hicken-tabaka