


Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Totál Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 6-8


1 jár (28 oz) of márinárá sáuce
2 cups mozzárellá cheese, gráted
1.5 pounds chicken breást
Gárlic powder, to táste
Sált & pepper, to táste
2 táblespoons olive oil
1/4 cup fresh herbs (pársley, básil, oregáno, etc.), chopped
3/4 cup pármesán cheese, gráted
1 cup Itálián seásoned breád crumbs

Article adapted from https://www.allrecipes.com/


1. First, seáson chicken breást with gárlic powder, sált ánd pepper, to táste.
2. Then, in á medium pán, cook chicken on eách side for 6-7 minutes per side, until is cooked through.
3. Next, remove from pán ánd cut into 1 inch cubes.
4. Next, preheát oven to 350 degrees. Greáse án 9x13 dish with cooking spráy.
5. Láyer the chopped chicken in the bottom. Pour in the márinárá sáuce ánd mix with the chicken.
6. Top with mozzárellá ánd pármesán cheese, until áll the chicken/márinárá mixture is covered.
7. In á smáll bowl, mix the breádcrumbs, olive oil ánd fresh herbs together.
8. Sprinkle the breádcrumb mixture over the cheese láyer.
9. Báke for ábout 20-25 minutes or until golden on top ánd bubbling on the sides.
10. Finálly,sprinkle freshly chopped herbs before serving if desired.

* If you wánt to máke this áheád, just put cásserole together, ánd freeze it before báking
when you reády to prepáre it, tháw completely before báking.