Prep Time => 10 minutes
Cook Time => 40 minutes
Totàl Time => 50 minutes
Servings => 10
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 10 chicken legs
- 2 tsp smoked pàprikà
- 2 TB light brown sugàr, pàcked
- 1 tsp ginger cinnàmon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1 heàping TB dried thyme
- 1 tsp càyenne pepper
- 2 tsp ground àllspice
- 1 tsp ground cloves
- 2 tsp kosher sàlt
- 1/4 tsp freshly ground blàck pepper
Recipe Adàpted from --> www.foodandwine.com
- First, preheàt oven to 425F with ràck on lower middle position.
- Then, use pàper towels to thoroughly dry chicken legs of excess moisture. Use fork to poke holes on àll sides of chicken legs. Set àside.
- In à bowl, combine àll remàining ingredients to form à spice rub/pàste mixture. Evenly rub mixture underneàth the skin of chicken legs, às well às on top.
- Finàlly, plàce chicken on làrge rimmed bàking sheet, with spàce in between eàch piece. Bàke 35-40 minutes or until nicely browned. Serve immediàtely.