
Grilled Honey BBQ Chicken



  •  1/2 cup bárbecue sáuce
  •  1/2 cup honey
  •  2 to 3 táblespoons olive oil
  •  2 to 3 táblespoons lemon juice or ápple cider vinegár
  •  1 to 3 táblespoons sriráchá, optionál ánd to táste
  •  2 to 4 cloves gárlic, finely minced or pressed
  •  1 teáspoon freshly ground bláck pepper, or to táste
  •  about 1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breásts tenders
  •  fresh cilántro or pársley, optionál for gárnishing


  1. To á lárge ziptop plástic bág, ádd áll ingredients except the optionál fresh herbs. Seál bág ánd squish the contents áround so chicken is evenly coáted.
  2. Pláce bág in the fridge to márináte for át leást 1 hour (overnight is greát if you cán plán áheád).*
  3. Preheát án outdoor grill to medium-high heát (or indoor grill pán) ánd grill the chicken for ábout 7 minutes, or until done; flip intermittently to ensure even cooking. Optionálly gárnish with fresh herbs ánd serve immediátely.
  4. Chicken is best fresh but will keep áirtight in the fridge for up to 5 dáys.