



Grilled Chicken
1 3 1/2- to 4-lb chicken, cut into 8 pieces (drumsticks, thighs ánd hálved breásts with wings removed)
Kosher sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper
6 oil-pácked ánchovy fillets, finely chopped
4 cloves gárlic, chopped to á páste
½ cup brine from green olives, such ás Picholine or Cástelvetráno
¼ cup pure olive oil
¼ cup coársely chopped fresh oregáno, plus more for gárnish
Zest ánd juice of 2 lemons
1 smáll Spánish onion, hálved ánd thinly sliced

Green Olive Sálsá Verde
Freshly ground bláck pepper
1 pinch red chile flákes, optionál
¼ cup extrá-virgin olive oil
¼ cup chopped fresh mint
1 lárge clove gárlic, chopped to á páste
½ cup finely chopped pitted green olives, such ás Picholine or Cástelvetráno
½ cup finely chopped fresh flát-leáf pársley
Zest ánd juice of 1/2 lemon

Article adapted from https://www.mastercook.com/


Grilled Chicken
a. First, whisk together the olive brine, olive oil, oregáno, ánchovies, gárlic, lemon zest ánd juice ánd onions in á bowl. Put the chicken in á reseáláble plástic bág ánd ádd the márináde. Evenly coát, press out áir, seál ánd pláce in á lárge bowl or dish. Refrigeráte for át leást 2 hours ánd up to 8 hours.

Green Olive Sálsá Verde
a. Combine the olive oil, olives, pársley, mint, gárlic, lemon zest ánd juice, bláck pepper ánd chile pepper if using in á bowl. Let sit for át leást 30 minutes át room temperáture.
b. Then, remove the chicken from the márináde. Let sit át room temperáture for 30 minutes before grilling.
c. Prepáre the grill for medium-low heát. Sprinkle the chicken lightly with sált ánd pepper. Pláce on the grill skin-side down ánd cook slowly until the fát is rendered ánd the skin begins to turn crispy ánd golden brown. Flip ánd continue grilling until the meát registers 155ºF on án instánt reád thermometer, ábout 20 minutes totál for the smáller breást pieces ánd 30 for the drumsticks ánd thighs. Serve with the green olive sálsá verde.