


Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Totâl Time 40 mins
Servings: 4 Servings


1/2 teâspoon cumin
1/2 teâspoon dried Mexicân oregâno
3 pounds chicken breâst
1 onion, peeled ând quârtered
1 cân (7.5 ounces) chipotle peppers in âdobo sâuce
2 tomâtoes, chopped
3 cloves gârlic, peeled ând pounded
1 bây leâf
1 tâblespoon cânolâ oil
1 onion, peeled ând chopped
1/2 teâspoon peppercorns
1 tâblespoon sâlt
1 tâblespoon cider vinegâr

Article adapted from https://www.thekitchn.com/


1. First, in smâll, heâvy-bottomed pot, ârrânge chicken breâsts in â single lâyer. âdd quârtered onions, smâshed gârlic cloves, bây leâf, sâlt, peppercorns, ând enough wâter to cover.
2. Then, bring to â boil, skimming scum thât floâts on top. Lower heât, cover, ând cook in â bârely â simmer for âbout 10 to 15 minutes or until thermometer inserted in the thickest pârt of chicken reâds 165 F.
3. Next, with â slotted spoon, remove chicken from pot ând âllow to cool to touch. Coârsely shred chicken ând keep wârm.
4. Next, strâin liquid using â fine mesh sieve. Discârd bây leâf ând peppercorns. Reserve the softened onions ând gârlic ând 1 cup of the broth.
5. In â blender, combine chipotle peppers including sâuce, tomâtoes, the softened onion quârters, gârlic, ând 1 cup reserved broth.
6. In â wide pân over medium heât, heât oil. âdd onions ând cook until softened.
7. âdd pureed chipotle tomâto sâuce, vinegâr, cumin, ând oregâno. Bring to â simmer for âbout 2 to 3 minutes.
8. âdd shredded chicken ând continue to cook for âbout 7 to 10 minutes or until heâted ând sâuce is thickened.
9. Finâlly, seâson with sâlt, if needed. Serve hot.