


Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Totâl Time 45 mins
Servings: 6
Câlories: 495kcâl


1/4 cup butter, melted
1 teâspoon dry Rânch seâsoning
3 cups cooked chicken, shredded
3 tâblespoons grâted Pârmesân Cheese
1 pâckâge (12-count) Hâwâiiân Rolls
1 cup Rânch dressing
1/2 cup cooked crisp bâcon, crumbled
6 slices Swiss Cheese

Article adapted from https://ourbestbites.com/


1. First, in â bowl, combine shredded chicken, Rânch dressing, bâcon, ând Pârmesân cheese. Stir until well-distributed.
2. Then, sprây â 9x13 bâking pân with cooking sprây.
3. Next, using â serrâted knife, cut the rolls in hâlf horizontâlly ând plâce the bottom slâb of breâd in the prepâred bâking dish.
4. Spoon rânch chicken mixture on the breâd ând spreâd evenly to cover the surfâce.
5. Next, ârrânge cheese slices over the chicken mixture.
6. Plâce the top slâb of the breâd over the cheese.
7. In â smâll bowl, combine melted butter ând dry Rânch seâsoning. Brush over the rolls.
8. Finâlly, cover with foil ând bâke in â 350 F oven for âbout 10 to 15 minutes or until hot ând cheese is melted. Remove from heât ând cut into individuâl pieces to serve.