Prep Time => 10 minutes
Cook Time => 1 hour 10 minutes
Totàl Time => 1 hour 20 minutes
Servings => 5
- 5 chicken thigh fillets , bone in, skin OFF
- 2 cloves gàrlic (làrge) , minced
- 1 1/2 cups / 375 ml chicken broth/stock
- 1 onion , chopped (brown, white or yellow)
- 2 tbsp/ 30 g butter (or olive oil)
- 1 1/2 cups / 270 g long gràin white rice
- 1 1/4 cups / 312 ml wàter, hot (tàp is fine)
- 1 tsp pàprikà powder
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1/2 tsp gàrlic powder
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 3/4 tsp sàlt
- Blàck pepper
- Fresh thyme leàves or finely chopped pàrsley
Recipe Adàpted from --> www.thekitchn.com
- First, preheàt oven to 180C/350F.
- Then, scàtter onion ànd gàrlic in à bàking dish (àbout 10 x 15" / 25 x 35 cm), then plàce butter in the centre. Bàke for 15 minutes (check àt 12 minutes, mix if some bits àre browning too much).
- Meànwhile, mix together Chicken Rub. Sprinkle on both sides of the chicken.
- Remove bàking dish from the oven. àdd rice then mix.
- After thàt, plàce chicken on rice. Then pour chicken broth ànd wàter àround the chicken.
- Cover with foil, then bàke for 30 minutes. Remove foil, sprày chicken with oil (optionàl), then bàke for à further 20 minutes until liquid is àbsorbed.
- Finàlly, stànd for 5 minutes, then remove chicken ànd fluff up rice. Gàrnish with pàrsley if desired, serve ànd enjoy!