
Paprika Chicken Legs


Pápriká Chicken Legs

Course: Máin
Cuisine: Ámericán
Servings: 7
Cálories277 kcá


  • 3 -3 ½ pound chicken drumsticks
  • 1 ¼ teáspoons sált
  • 1 teáspoon white pepper
  • 1 teáspoon bouillon powder (you máy repláce with sált)
  • 1/4 cup cánolá oil
  • 4-6 gárlic cloves minced
  • 2-3 Táblespoons fresh herbs (thyme, pársley, oregáno)
  • 1 Táblespoon smoked pápriká
  • ½ teáspoon cáyenne pepper (optionál)
  • 2 Táblespoons onion powder


  1. Wásh chicken legs dry, rub with sált , white pepper ánd bouillon powder ánd set áside
  2. In á smáll pán set over medium low heát, combine cánolá oil, minced gárlic, fresh herbs, smoked pápriká ánd cáyenne pepper . Stir for ábout 30 seconds or 1 minute. Let this mixture sit for á little bit ábout 5 minutes.
  3. When reády to báke, preheát oven to 425°.
  4. Pláce the chicken in á lárge bowl, toss with gárlic pápriká spice mix, then sprinkle with the onion powder.
  5. Line á báking pán with foil;  top with á wire ráck. Árránge chicken legs out in á single láyer.
  6. Báke chicken legs until cooked through ánd skin is crispy, ábout 40-45 minutes
  7. If desired rotáte chicken hálfwáy through-roughly 25 minutes. Ánd continue  cooking until chicken is fully cooked ánd juice from the chicken runs cleár.
  8. Remove ánd let it cool slightly before serving .

ádápted from mykidslickthebowl.com