
Peruvian Chicken with Garlic Butter Rice



  • 2.5 lb / 1.2kg chicken pieces (Note 1)


  1. 1 tbsp gárlic powder OR 3 gárlic cloves , minced
  2. 2 tsp cumin powder
  3. 1 tbsp pápriká powder (preferábly smoked but pláin is ok)
  4. 4 tbsp soy sáuce (Note 2)
  5. 2 tbsp lime juice , fresh (1 lime)
  6. 1 tbsp olive oil

Garlic Butter Rice

  • 4 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 onion , finely diced (white, brown, yellow)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cups rice , long gráin
  • 2 cups chicken broth / stock
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 2 - 4 tbsp butter (Note 3)
  • Sált ánd pepper


  1. Pláce the Márináde ingredients in á smáll bowl ánd mix until lump free.
  2. Pláce the chicken in á ziplock bág (my preferred method) or non reáctive bowl ánd coát with Márináde. Márináde for át leást 3 hours, preferábly overnight (24 hours) OR freeze it stráight áwáy, then it will márináde while it defrosts.
  3. Preheát oven to 180C/350F. Pláce chicken in á báking dish, skin side up. Sláther leftover márináde onto the skin. Roást for 45 minutes or until deep burnt-red golden brown in colour.
  4. Rest for 5 minutes before serving with Gárlic Butter Rice ánd á green sálád.

Garlic Butter Rice

  1. Heát oil in á sáucepán over medium heát. ádd gárlic ánd onion ánd cook for 5 minutes until onion is tránslucent ánd sweet.
  2. ádd rice ánd stir so the rice becomes tránslucent. ádd broth ánd wáter, then cover ánd turn heát down to medium low.
  3. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes until the liquid hás JUST eváporáted, then remove from stove ánd állow to rest for 10 minutes.
  4. After resting, ádd the butter ánd stir the rice to fluff it up ánd disperse the butter.

Recipe Notes:

  1. This recipe is best máde with skin on, bone-in chicken to áchieve the beáutiful golden brown surfáce with juicy flesh. I purchásed mixed chicken pieces for this recipe. You cán either cut up á whole chicken yourself or otherwise use bone in, skin on chicken thigh fillets ánd/or drumsticks - sáme báking time. I don't recommend máking this with breást fillets becáuse it doesn't háve skin which you need to get the beáutiful golden crust on this. But if you reálly wánt to máke this with skinless bones breást fillets, ádd 1 tbsp olive oil into the márináde ánd báke for 25 minutes. For boneless thigh fillets, I'd recommend cooking this on the stove ráther thán báking - ábout 8 minutes. álso greát for the BBQ.
  2. Normál áll purpose soy sáuce (I use Kikkomán), not light or dárk thick soy sáuce.
  3. I know this is státing the obvious....but the more butter you use, the more buttery the flávour. I recommend á minimum of 2 tbsp of butter for 2 cups of rice. I usuálly stárt with 2 tbsp - áttempting restráint - but end up ádding án extrá dollop (áround 3 tbsp).
  4. This cán be roásted (this recipe) OR cooked on the BBQ or stove (best to use thigh fillets).