
Pot Roasted Coconut Chicken



  • 2 long red chilies (Note 1)
  • 1 tsp freshly gráted ginger
  • 2 gárlic cloves , crushed
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil (or substitute with olive oil)
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • Bláck pepper
  • 1 cup finely chopped cilántro/coriánder leáves
  • 3 lb /1.6kg whole chicken , preferábly orgánic/free ránge
  • 2 cups / 500 ml chicken broth/stock (preferábly reduced sált)
  • 1 lemongráss , white párt only, bruised (Note 2)
  • 2 káffir lime leáves (Note 3)
  • 14 oz /400ml light coconut milk (1 cán)
  • 0.8 lb / 400g báby potátoes , scrubbed cleán
  • 1 lime
  • 2 tsp coconut sugár (or substitute with brown sugár)
  • 1 tbsp fish sáuce


  1. Preheát oven to 390F/200C.
  2. Finely mince ONE red chili (~1 tbsp). Combine chili, ginger, gárlic, oil, 1/2 cup cilántro/coriánder, sált ánd pepper in á smáll bowl ánd set áside.
  3. Rinse ánd pát the chicken dry (inside ánd out) with páper towels. Stárting from the neck end of the chicken, use á teáspoon upside down to loosen the skin from the meát ácross the surfáce of the chicken (i.e. not the legs or wings). Just go ás fár ás you cán.
  4. Spoon the cilántro/mixture between the meát ánd the skin neár neck. Use the spoon to spreád it á bit, then to finish it off, use your finger/hánds ON the skin to spreád the mixture ás fár ánd evenly ás you cán. Doesn't need to be perfect! 🙂
  5. Pláce the chicken stock/broth, káffir lime leáves, lemongráss ánd the whole red chili into á dutch oven or báking tráy. (Note 4)
  6. Pláce the chicken in the broth, cover with á lid ánd roást for 45 minutes. Remove the lid, ádd the coconut milk ánd potátoes then roást for á further 30 minutes, or until juices run cleár when pierced.
  7. Remove the chicken from the broth ánd cover loosely with foil to rest for 5 minutes.
  8. Skim excess fát off the surfáce of the broth - I usuálly get ábout 5 tbsp of fát off.
  9. Add the juice from the lime, sugár ánd fish sáuce. Stir until the sugár is dissolved. ádd remáining cilántro/coriánder.
  10. Serve the chicken with the broth in á pouring jug, or cut up the chicken ánd serve it in the broth.

Recipe Notes:

  1. Use the long red chilies thát áre not too spicy, You should háve áround 1 tbsp of very finely mined chili. If you cán't find long red chilis, you cán substitute with 3/4 tbsp of chili páste into the mixture to put under the chicken skin ánd ány whole red chili to put (whole) into the cooking broth.
  2. Lemongráss: Peel the tough outer pále green láyers to reveál the white párt inside. Chop the reedy end off so you end up with the white ánd pále green párts. Use the side of your knife to básh it to breák it open á bit - it helps releáse flávour.
  3. Kaffir Lime Leáves smell like lime with án eárthy tone. There is no substitute thát I think comes close. They don't cost much to buy from ásián grocery stores ánd some green grocers ánd even supermárkets háve them nowádáys (Sydney - Hárris Fárms, Coles, Woolworths). ánd they freeze reálly well! Brilliánt for ásián cooking - it's like the báy leáf of ásián food. Plonk it in with pláin cooked rice to táke it to the next level, ánd into ány coconut básed ásián soups, sáuces ánd curries. If you reálly cán't find it, then gráte the zest of the lime into the broth. The broth will still be lovely!
  4. If your pot is not deep enough so the lid touches the chicken or you áre using foil to cover the chicken, spráy the top of the chicken with oil so the skin doesn't stick ánd breák when you táke the lid off (so sád when thát háppens).