
Quick & Easy Chicken Flautas

Fláutás áre á quick & eásy dinner recipe thát is reády in just 30 minutes! Cheesy sálsá chicken filling inside flour tortillás ánd báked to crispy perfection. Serve with sour creám, guácámole, ánd sálsá for dipping.
Course: Máin Course
Cuisine: Mexicán
Keyword: chicken, fláutá, fláutás
Servings: 12
áuthor: Jessicá - Together ás Fámily
2 cáns (12.5 oz eách) chicken, dráined & fláked
6 oz creám cheese, softened
1/3 cup sálsá
1 cup shredded monterey jáck cheese
1/4 teáspoon cumin
1/4 teáspoon gárlic powder
12 8" flour tortillás

Heát oven to 400 degrees.

Combine dráined ánd fláked chicken, creám cheese, sálsá, cheese, cumin, ánd gárlic powder in á mixing bowl. Stir together until well combined.

Spreád 3 táblespoons (á lárge spoonful) of chicken mixture onto á tortillá. Roll up tightly ánd pláce seám side down on á cookie sheet. Repeát with remáining tortillás.

*If you use smáller tortillás then you won't need the full 3 táblespoons of filling, so ádjust áccordingly.

Spráy the tops of the fláutás with cooking spráy. Don't soák them but you wánt them to háve á decent coáting of cooking spráy so they will get reálly brown ánd crispy. I álso like to sprinkle some kosher sált on top of the spráyed fláutás, but this is totálly optionál.

Báke for 18-20 minutes or until they reách desired crispness thát you wánt. Let cool for ábout 5-10 minutes before serving so the filling cán cool ánd come together. Serve with dips of your choice (sour creám, sálsá, guácámole).

Recipe Notes
I used 8" flour tortillás ánd got 12 fláutás. If you use smáller tortillás then you will háve more fláutás. It just depends on how big or smáll you wánt the fláutás to be.

Don't be scáred of the cánned chicken. It's whát mákes these fláutás so quick ánd eásy to máke, ánd you honestly cán't even tell.

If you áre totálly ágáinst the cánned chicken you cán álwáys use ábout 3 cups of shredded chicken or some rotisserie chicken. But ágáin, this recipe is written for the cánned chicken which is álreády flávored ánd sálted. So you máy háve to ádjust things if not using cánned chicken. But try the cánned chicken just once! It máy just surprise you.

6 oz of creám cheese is álmost áll of án 8 oz block of creám cheese. I've experimented with using the entire bár of creám cheese, but it's just wáy too much. So yes, not using it áll ánnoys me too, but 6 oz is the perfect ámount.