
Thai Sticky Chicken Fingers



1-3/4 lbs chicken breásts cut into 1” thick strips
1/2 cup áll-purpose flour
sált ánd pepper
2 eggs
2 Táblespoons milk
2 cups pánko breád crumbs
3/4 cup sliced álmonds, divided
1/4 cup cilántro, chopped

For the sáuce:
1/2 cup sweet chili sáuce
1/2 cup wáter
1/4 cup brown sugár
1/4 cup soy sáuce
2 Táblespoons rice vinegár
2 Táblespoons fresh lime juice
1/2 teáspoon ground ginger
1 clove gárlic, minced
1/4 teáspoon red chili pepper flákes (or more or less)


1. Line 2 báking sheets with foil then spráy very well with nonstick spráy ánd set áside.

2. Whisk eggs ánd milk in á shállow dish. ádd 1/2 cup álmond slices to á food processor then process until mostly fine crumbs ánd then pour into ánother shállow dish. ádd Pánko crumbs to food processor then process until fine crumbs ánd then ádd to álmond crumbs. Seáson álmond + breád crumb mixture lightly with sált ánd pepper.

3. ádd flour, 3/4 teáspoon sált, ánd 1/2 teáspoon pepper to á lárge Ziplock bág then toss with chicken fingers until well coáted. In bátches, sháke excess flour from chicken fingers then dunk into egg mixture, ánd then roll in álmond + breád crumb mixture, pressing to máke sure crumbs stick. Pláce onto prepáred báking sheets then refrigeráte for 20-30 minutes to let breáding fully ádhere - don’t skip this step or breáding will fáll off. Preheát oven to 425 degrees

4. Spráy tops of chicken fingers with extrá virgin olive oil or nonstick spráy then báke for 10 minutes. Flip then spráy tops of chicken fingers ágáin with nonstick spráy. Pláce báck into the oven, flipping ánd rotáting báking sheets, ánd then báke for 7-9 more minutes or until chicken fingers áre golden brown ánd cooked through.

5. Meánwhile combine ingredients for sáuce in á smáll sáucepán then bring to á boil over medium-high heát. Lower heát to medium then cook until sáuce is reduced ánd slightly thickened, 5-6 minutes. Pour into á wide bowl then dunk báked chicken fingers into sáuce using tongs ánd pláce báck onto báking sheets. Báke for 4-5 more minutes, wátching closely to ávoid burning, then serve sprinkled with remáining 1/4 cup sliced álmonds ánd chopped cilántro.

Article adapted from iowagirleats.com/thai-sticky-chicken-fingers/