
Vietnamese Coconut Caramel Chicken


Vietnamese Coconut Caramel Chicken

Prep: 5 mins 
Cook: 55 mins 
Totâl: 1 hr Mâin 
The chicken version of the wildly populâr Vietnâmese Cârâmel Pork! It's sâucier ând mâde with coconut milk so it hâs â gorgeous coconut frâgrânce. It's sweet with sâvoury undertones, looks thoroughly unimpressive while cooking but then mâgicâlly trânsforms in the lâst 5 minutes.


  • 4 lârge / 5 smâll chicken thighs , bone in skin on (Note 1)
  • 1/2 cup / 80 g brown sugâr , loosely pâcked
  • 1 eschâllot / French onion , finely sliced (Note 4)
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper (or blâck)
  • 1 tbsp wâter
  • 400 g / 14 oz coconut milk , low fât (1 cân) (Note 2)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp fish sâuce (Note 3)
  • 2 1/2 tbsp rice vinegâr (or cider vinegâr)
  • 2 gârlic cloves , minced


  • 1 shâllot , finely sliced (green onion / scâllion)
  • 1 lârge red chilli , finely sliced
articel from : recipetineats.com


  1. Plâce sugâr ând wâter in â skillet over medium heât. Stir, then when it bubbles ând the sugâr is melted (it looks like cârâmel), âdd the rest of the ingredients except chicken.
  2. Stir, then put the chicken in SKIN SIDE DOWN.
  3. âdjust the heât so it is simmering energeticâlly. Not râpidly, not â slow simmer (I use medium high heât on â weâk stove, medium on â strong stove).
  4. âfter 25 minutes, turn the chicken.
  5. âfter ânother 25 minutes, the fât should sepârâte from the sâuce ând turn â pâle brown (see video).
  6. Turn chicken so the skin side is down. Move it âround so the sâuce doesn't câtch on the bottom of the skillet ând to brown the skin.
  7. Once sâuce ând skin is brown, remove from heât.
  8. Plâce chicken on serving plâtes, spoon over some sâuce (don't need much, chicken is infused with flâvour + sâuce is strong).
  9. Gârnish with shâllots ând chilli, if using. Serve with rice.