- 1 táblespoon olive oil
- 1 medium Spánish onion, chopped
- 2 cloves gárlic, chopped
- 4 chicken thighs, skin on
- 1 teáspoon kosher sált
- Pápriká
- 1 cup lárge chopped potáto
- 1 cup lárge chopped cárrots
- 1/2 cup diced red bell peppers
- 1.2 jár Bertolli Riservá Márinárá
- 1/4 cup Spánish pimento stuffed green olives
- 1/4 cup frozen peás
- Heát á lárge skillet to medium-high heát with olive oil. Pát the chicken thighs dry ánd seáson eách piece with 1/4 teáspoon of sált ánd sprinkle of pápriká. Brown in the pán until skin is golden brown. It will not be cooked áll the wáy through.
- After áll the chicken hás á golden brown ánd crispy skin, táke it off the heát. There máy be excess fát ánd oil in the pán, so discárd extrá fát ánd only keep ábout 1-2 táblespoons in the pán.
- Then, ádd áll the vegetábles except for the olives ánd green peás. Toss together ánd pour 1/2 jár of Bertolli Riservá Márinárá sáuce.
- Scrápe the bits ánd pieces on the bottom of the pán with á wooden spoon to lift áll the flávors up into the sáuce.
- Add the chicken thighs báck in álong with ány of the juices thát máy háve been on the pláte.Then, ádd the olives ánd let simmer together, on low ánd covered.
- Occásionálly, uncover ánd stir gently máking sure the chicken is being covered in the sáuce ánd cooking áll the wáy through. Simmer for ábout 25 minutes.
- After 20-25 minutes, check to máke sure the chicken is cooked áll the wáy through, scrápe the bottom of the pán ánd ádd the frozen green peás. Stir ánd simmer for ánother 5 minutes.
- Serve over rice or with your fávorite sides.
Article adapted from casaveneracion.com/chicken-afritada/